0330 174 0598


Balgowlah Heights

Balgowlah Heights is a Suburb of Sydney with a population of approx 3300. The local government area is Northern Beaches (Area) and the postcode is 2093 Balgowlah Heights is located at latitude , longitude 90 at an elevation of 90 and covers an area of 1.684 Sq kilometers In Balgowlah Heights there is an average income of 59228 dollars


Avalon Beach

Avalon Beach is a Suburb of Sydney with a population of approx 9900. The local government area is Northern Beaches (Area) and the postcode is 2107 Avalon Beach is located at latitude , longitude 10 at an elevation of 10 and covers an area of 5.131 Sq kilometers In Avalon Beach there is an average income of 43628 dollars



Austral is a Suburb of Sydney with a population of approx 3000. The local government area is Liverpool (City) and the postcode is 2179 Austral is located at latitude , longitude 85 at an elevation of 85 and covers an area of 17.661 Sq kilometers In Austral there is an average income of 26884 dollars



Asquith is a Suburb of Sydney with a population of approx 3400. The local government area is Hornsby (Area) and the postcode is 2077 Asquith is located at latitude , longitude 186 at an elevation of 186 and covers an area of 3.502 Sq kilometers In Asquith there is an average income of 40924 dollars



Ashfield is a Suburb of Sydney with a population of approx 23800. The local government area is Inner West (Area) and the postcode is 2131 Ashfield is located at latitude , longitude 47 at an elevation of 47 and covers an area of 3.414 Sq kilometers In Ashfield there is an average income of 35412 dollars

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