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Winston Hills

Winston Hills is a Suburb of Sydney with a population of approx 11700. The local government area is Parramatta (City) and the postcode is 2153 Winston Hills is located at latitude , longitude 60 at an elevation of 60 and covers an area of 4.739 Sq kilometers In Winston Hills there is an average income of 40352 dollars


Wolli Creek

Wolli Creek is a Suburb of Sydney with a population of approx 6400. The local government area is Bayside (Area) and the postcode is 2205 Wolli Creek is located at latitude , longitude 0 at an elevation of 0 and covers an area of 0.661 Sq kilometers In Wolli Creek there is an average income of 42432 dollars



Wollstonecraft is a Suburb of Sydney with a population of approx 8300. The local government area is North Sydney (Area) and the postcode is 2065 Wollstonecraft is located at latitude , longitude 64 at an elevation of 64 and covers an area of 1.201 Sq kilometers In Wollstonecraft there is an average income of 72176 dollars



Woodbine is a Suburb of Sydney with a population of approx 2700. The local government area is Campbelltown (City) and the postcode is 2560 Woodbine is located at latitude , longitude 91 at an elevation of 91 and covers an area of 1.195 Sq kilometers In Woodbine there is an average income of 33228 dollars



Pagewood is a Suburb of Sydney with a population of approx 3800. The local government area is Bayside (Area) and the postcode is 2035 Pagewood is located at latitude , longitude 27 at an elevation of 27 and covers an area of 2.198 Sq kilometers In Pagewood there is an average income of 38012 dollars

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