0330 174 0598



Randwick is a Suburb of Sydney with a population of approx 30000. The local government area is Randwick (City) and the postcode is 2031 Randwick is located at latitude , longitude 77 at an elevation of 77 and covers an area of 5.308 Sq kilometers In Randwick there is an average income of 57460 dollars


Ropes Crossing

Ropes Crossing is a Suburb of Sydney with a population of approx 6200. The local government area is Blacktown (City) and the postcode is 2760 Ropes Crossing is located at latitude , longitude 33 at an elevation of 33 and covers an area of 5.503 Sq kilometers In Ropes Crossing there is an average income of 44304 dollars


St Ives Chase

St Ives Chase is a Suburb of Sydney with a population of approx 3200. The local government area is Ku-ring-gai (Area) and the postcode is 2075 St Ives Chase is located at latitude , longitude 167 at an elevation of 167 and covers an area of 3.479 Sq kilometers In St Ives Chase there is an average income of 48620 dollars


Yowie Bay

Yowie Bay is a Suburb of Sydney with a population of approx 3100. The local government area is Sutherland Shire (Area) and the postcode is 2228 Yowie Bay is located at latitude , longitude 42 at an elevation of 42 and covers an area of 1.205 Sq kilometers In Yowie Bay there is an average income of 45292 dollars


St Peters

St Peters is a Suburb of Sydney with a population of approx 3100. The local government area is Inner West (Area) and the postcode is 2044 St Peters is located at latitude , longitude 15 at an elevation of 15 and covers an area of 1.730 Sq kilometers In St Peters there is an average income of 58968 dollars

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