0330 174 0598


West Ryde

West Ryde is a Suburb of Sydney with a population of approx 13400. The local government area is Ryde (City) and the postcode is 2114 West Ryde is located at latitude , longitude 23 at an elevation of 23 and covers an area of 3.566 Sq kilometers In West Ryde there is an average income of 38584 dollars


Wetherill Park

Wetherill Park is a Suburb of Sydney with a population of approx 6100. The local government area is Fairfield (City) and the postcode is 2164 Wetherill Park is located at latitude , longitude 62 at an elevation of 62 and covers an area of 11.214 Sq kilometers In Wetherill Park there is an average income of 25688 dollars


Whale Beach

Whale Beach is a Suburb of Sydney with a population of approx 300. The local government area is Northern Beaches (Area) and the postcode is 2107 Whale Beach is located at latitude , longitude 45 at an elevation of 45 and covers an area of 0.497 Sq kilometers In Whale Beach there is an average income of 63128 dollars


Wheeler Heights

Wheeler Heights is a Suburb of Sydney with a population of approx 3000. The local government area is Northern Beaches (Area) and the postcode is 2097 Wheeler Heights is located at latitude , longitude 16 at an elevation of 16 and covers an area of 0.852 Sq kilometers In Wheeler Heights there is an average income of 42848 dollars


Wiley Park

Wiley Park is a Suburb of Sydney with a population of approx 10100. The local government area is Canterbury-Bankstown (Area) and the postcode is 2195 Wiley Park is located at latitude , longitude 45 at an elevation of 45 and covers an area of 1.362 Sq kilometers In Wiley Park there is an average income of 23036 dollars

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