0330 174 0598


Padstow Heights

Page is a Suburb of Sydney with a population of approx 3000. The local government area is Unincorporated and the postcode is 2614 Page is located at latitude , longitude 607 at an elevation of 607 and covers an area of 1.323 Sq kilometers In Page there is an average income of 41028 dollars


Oyster Bay

Oyster Bay is a Suburb of Sydney with a population of approx 5500. The local government area is Sutherland Shire (Area) and the postcode is 2225 Oyster Bay is located at latitude , longitude 10 at an elevation of 10 and covers an area of 2.101 Sq kilometers In Oyster Bay there is an average income of 47736 dollars


Oxford Falls

Oxford Falls is a Suburb of Sydney with a population of approx 100. The local government area is Northern Beaches (Area) and the postcode is 2100 Oxford Falls is located at latitude , longitude 50 at an elevation of 50 and covers an area of 6.647 Sq kilometers In Oxford Falls there is an average income of 42224 dollars



Oatlands is a Suburb of Sydney with a population of approx 5700. The local government area is Parramatta (City) and the postcode is 2117 Oatlands is located at latitude , longitude 54 at an elevation of 54 and covers an area of 2.462 Sq kilometers In Oatlands there is an average income of 36660 dollars



Northwood is a Suburb of Sydney with a population of approx 1000. The local government area is Lane Cove (Area) and the postcode is 2066 Northwood is located at latitude , longitude 30 at an elevation of 30 and covers an area of 0.382 Sq kilometers In Northwood there is an average income of 72124 dollars

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